K13 Newsletter October 3-7

Greeting Parents
Wow, our school year is off to a wonderful start.  We had an disaster drill today and the children did an amazing job.  
This month is busy with some fun activities planned:
Wednesday, October 5th  NO School!
Tuesday, October 11th and Wednesday, October 12th  Picture Day!  Information will be coming home soon.
Thursday, October 13th Farmer's Market Day K13 and K14 combined on the 4 year old yard at 10:45 am.  Please check with the office if you plan on volunteering.  There are immunizations requirements
Gardening:  Our first gardening class will be on Thursday, October 20th at 9:30 am.
Halloween Party and Parade:  Friday, October 28th  Parade for the 4 year old will be at 10:30 am.  Parents are welcome to come and watch.
Letters of the Week are as follows:  Aa, Ll, Ff, and Ee for the month of October.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Thank you
Ms. Debra